Functional Movement 90, Mild Flow & General Hatha
$144 for the 8 week term
Casual attendance $25 per class
No classes Good Friday or Easter Monday - prices adjusted
Functional Movement 60 & Restorative
$136 for the 8 week term
Casual attendance $23 per class
No classes Easter Monday or Saturday - prices adjusted
Core & Stability
$72 for the 8 week term
Casual attendance $12 per class
Attending 2 classes per week:
Take 25% off the
second class
Allows you to book into two specific classes per week & have your place guaranteed.
(excludes Core & Strength class)
Please contact us for
pricing on particular class combinations.
Casual students who have not pre-booked a place in class may not be
guaranteed a spot.
Permanent students are entitled to make up missed classes at any time throughout the year, at any class on the timetable, provided a place is available & term fees are up to date.
Bookings are absolutely essential for all classes,
including casual attendances
Payment can be made on the first day of your attendance at class by either cash or via internet banking transfer.
Details available on request.
Yoga Balance
14 Alpine Street, Ferntree Gully Victoria 3156, Australia
PH: 9762 6069 MOB: 0402 638 232